Faaxi'7: Names of The Quran

Names of The Quran



Al-Qur’ān  The Qur’ān
Al-Kitāb The Book
Karīm Honorable, Noble
Mubīn Luminous 
KalāmAllāh The Word of Allāh 
Nūr Sacred Light 
Hudā Right Guidance 
Rahma Mercy
Al-Furqān The Criterion of Judgement
Shifā A Healing, A Cure 
Mawiza  Admonition
Dhikr Remembrance, Reminder
Mubārak Blessed
Alī Exalted
Hikma Perfect Wisdom
Hakīm Full of Wisdom
Muhaymin Guardian, Witness
Musaddiq Confirming Scripture
Hablillāh The rope of Allāh 
Sirāt u’l Mustaqīm The Straight Path
Qayyim Straight Guidance 
Qawl Word of Allāh
Fasl Decisive
Naba’un Azīm Supreme Message
Ahsan u’l Hadīth The Best Message
Mathānī Oft-repeated
Mutashābih Consistent in itself
Tanzīl The Final RevelationSent by Allāh
h The Book which gives life to faith
Wahy The Final Revelation
Arabī In Arabic
Basāir Eye-opening evidences
Bayān The Final Statement
Ilm Ultimate Knowledge
Haqq Truth, True
Hādī Guide
Ajab Wonderful
Tadhkira  Admonition,Reminder
Urwatu’l Wuthqā The Firm Handhold
Sidq Truth
Adl Justice
AmrAllāh The Commandment of Allāh
Munādī Inviter to faith
Bushrā Glad tidings
Majīd Glorious
Zabūr The Scripture
Bashīr Herald of glad tidings
Nadhīr Warner
Azīz Mighty
Balāgh Sufficient Message
Qasas Narratives
Suhuf Scriptures
Mukarrama Honoured
Marfūa Exalted
Mutahhara Kept Pure

See More at: "Quran Pak"